DAMRI bus to airport schedule: Starts at 7 am until 5 pm from Ribura'ne street. Depart every 30 minutes. It will take around 30 to 60 minutes to get to the airport. DAMRI bus to city centre from the airport schedule: Starts at 7 am until 6:30 pm. If your hotel is located on these streets then you can take DAMRI bus from...
The cheapest way to get to Hasanuddin airport when you travel solo is by a public bus called Damri. The cost is IDR 35.000/ person. If you are staying near Fort Rotterdam or the harbor then you just need to walk to Societeit de Harmonie right in front of RRI (Radio Republik Indonesia) in Jalan Riburane. There is a bus stop next to...
The cheapest way to get to downtown area is by a public bus called Damri. The cost is IDR 35.000/ person. From the arrival gate just go straight until you see the counter. DAMRI Counter Damri route from Hasanuddin airport to the city center Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan - Sudiang - BTP - Pintu 1 Unhas - T.M. Pahlawan - Jalan Urip Sumiharjo -...