
How to Get from Makassar Airport to Downtown Area Cheaply

11:23:00 PM

The cheapest way to get to downtown area is by a public bus called Damri. The cost is IDR 35.000/ person. From the arrival gate just go straight until you see the counter.

DAMRI Counter

Damri route from Hasanuddin airport to the city center

Jalan Perintis Kemerdekaan - Sudiang - BTP - Pintu 1 Unhas - T.M. Pahlawan - Jalan Urip Sumiharjo - RS Primaya - Jalan Gunung Bawakaraeng - Jalan Kajaolalido - Jalan Botolempangan - Best Western Hotel - Jalan Haji Bau - Arthama Hotel - Arya Duta hotel - Pantai Losari .

If your accomodation is not located on those roads, you may need to check your map again and find the closer bus stop to your accomodation. Then you can continue by walking (if it's in a walking distance) or by taxi. 

The first bus to the city centre is at 7 am and last bus to the city centre is at 6:30 pm so if your flight is  before or after that time, you might need to go for another options. 

We provide a pick up from Makassar airport to your hotel for IDR 250.000 (including toll and parking).

If you have a short transit in Makassar and you want to go for a quick tour in the city of Makassar, we provide a car with the driver. Contact me or comment below if you need help with this or if you want to use our services.

Editor's note: this post was originally published in October 2016 and has been completely revamped and updated for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

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