
How to Get from Makassar to Hasanuddin Airport Cheaply

8:20:00 PM

The cheapest way to get to Hasanuddin airport when you travel solo is by a public bus called Damri. The cost is IDR 35.000/ person.

If you are staying near Fort Rotterdam or the harbor then you just need to walk to Societeit de Harmonie right in front of RRI (Radio Republik Indonesia) in Jalan Riburane. There is a bus stop next to Rabo Bank.

If you are staying near the waterfront then you can take taxi to RRI.

The Damri is only operating from 7 am untill 5 pm so if your flight is before or after that time, you might need to go for another options.

If your schedule doesn't suit the Damri schedule or you travel in a small group then we can provide a drop off to Sultan Hasanuddin airport for IDR 200.000 (including toll and parking). It takes around 30-45 minutes to get to Sultan Hasanuddin airport through the highway. Please check our services page for more info.

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